For real estate brokerage leaders, getting the right people on the bus is half the battle. Table Group Founder Patrick Lencioni, an organizational health leader and author, shares his insights on the leadership traits to look for when hiring.
We all have that lovable slacker at our offices. They have personality plus but just can’t seem to get more done than the minimum. But, when you call them on it, they’re humble and just so darn likeable that you let it go. According to Lencioni, “When we look at hiring the right person, we look at three things. Are they hungry? Are they humble? And, are they smart? Meaning, do can they read people, do they have a high emotional IQ?” The lovable slacker has two of the three traits: humble and smart. What they lack in being hungry.
Lencioni was the keynote speaker at this year’s RealTrends Gathering of Eagles at the historic Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. His simple, yet effective, leadership training offers insight into the personality traits and actions of leaders and team members. This insight can help you get the right leaders in the right seats on the bus. The ideal team member is all three: hungry, humble and smart.
It’s a simple formula. Here’s how Lencioni describes it in his hiring guide:
Are they hungry?
Do they have a strong work ethic? Are they determined to get things done and contribute any way they can?
Question to ask: What is the hardest you’ve ever worked on something in your life?
Insight: An ideal candidate will answer this in a positive way without complaining. They would be grateful for the experience.
Are they humble?
Do they focus more on their teammates than on themselves? Do they have little ego and work to bring others up?
Question to ask: Tell me about your current team. What do you like and dislike?
Insight: The answer to this question will help you assess whether or not the person is a good team player, which is a vital leadership trait for C-level executives and team leaders. Encourage the candidate to describe specific interactions with colleagues.
Are they smart?
This isn’t intellectually smart, this is people smart, according to Lencioni. Do they read the room accurately?
Question to ask: What kind of people annoy you the most, and how do you deal with them?
Insight: You’re looking for a candidate’s self awareness and self-control. Smart people know their pet peeves, and they own the fact that some of those pet peeves are their own issues.
Assess these three leadership traits in your next meeting with agents, team leaders and C-level executives.