Today most businesses rely on social media tools for better and fastest marketing. Market surveys say that many of the worldwide businesses, irrespective of their size and nature, are shifting towards
social media marketing, and real estate is no more exception.
The use of social media tools for real estate marketing is not at all simple. It is tricky, and the reason is that the sale and purchase of property is not a rash purchase, and these are expensive too. It means it is not that easy to attract and convince people to buy or sell a property by just giving an ad on a social media platform. However, it does not mean that the marketing of real estate on social media is impossible.
There are some techniques to crack real estate marketing on your social media account. This article tells you how you can use the platforms of social media in your real estate business to take the lead in the market. The article also gives you hope that nothing is impossible, and with the right strategies and dedication, even the business of real estate can grow with social media.
Before going in-depth on the topic, the readers should first understand that why the use of social media is important for the business of real estate/ one of the obvious reasons for social media marketing is the incorporation of technology in the lives of people. Today everyone has access to the internet and a smartphone. People are fond of using social media account to stay connected with their friends, family, and businesses. 44 percent of real estate buyers use online resources to first have a look at the properties and also compare prices.
Now that you know the importance of social media in the real estate business, we give you 8 useful tips to get a lead. These are
1. Make a Profile for Your Business
A company profile is the first thing that a customer notices when a business reaches them. The first tip is to
create a profile of your business. Provide your company’s name, profile photo, website URL, and contact information. A well-sketched company profile makes customers trust the business more and also makes it easy for them to learn more about businesses and get the required information.
Also, add the Services section on your business Page. This would allow your followers on Facebook to check out the exact services you offer before contacting you. The purpose of this section is to make the customers fully understand what your business is offering in comparison to others in the market.
2. Use Video Marketing
The concept of real estate video marketing is increasing every single day; the reason is that people better understand their service or product. A large number of marketers say that adding videos to real estate social media marketing has helped people to understand their offering, while some say that it has increased sales. A group of real estate marketers also shared that they received more queries after using video in their social media marketing strategies.
Instagram Stories, Facebook Live video, A Snapchat Story, a YouTube video, or a 360 post is used to show the interior and exterior of a property that is for sale. This increases the engagement of target customers.
3. Add Photos to the Content
Upload photos from the properties your business got for sale and adding the listing as the source URL. You could also add photos from your blog content.
Buying a property is a great investment, and adding photos to the website content can almost make the minds of the people even before visiting the property.
4. Collect Good Reviews
If your real estate business has
excellent reviews from customers, there is a high chance that people will consider your business more. 63 percent of online property buyers say that they only contact a real estate agent if they have excellent customer reviews.
On social media platforms, there are groups and communities where people give voice to their experiences with businesses.
5. Reach the Local People
A survey conducted shows that 46 percent of people in the United States rely on social media platforms to get the latest news that included property prices or know about any upcoming event in the locality. It means you do not ignore your local people. Even if the follower of your real estate social media account is not buying or selling any property.
This is a smarter way for smaller real estate companies to get a crack in the market.
6. Participate In Social Media Communities
Social media groups, especially Facebook groups or Instagram groups, are great ways for a business to connect with their target clients. These groups are also used to spread information. Also, get indulge in Q and A sessions with your customers to make them more inclined towards making a deal.
7. Use Hashtags in Your Content
Never forget to use hashtags in your shared content to reach more people. A hashtag is important to create brand awareness. There are two kinds of hashtags; branded hashtags s or generic hashtags. It’s your choice which one to use, or you can also use a combination of both.
A few of the real-estate hashtags are; #ForSale #JustSold #For Rent #HomeOfDreams
8. Schedule Content In Advance
To save your time and efforts and reach a larger number of real estate buyers, you should plan the content. Scheduling the content before time means that you are well prepared and not in a struggle to keep your account active.
For instance, the marketing team of a
cleaning business says that the business hires a team of content writers, which writes content for it in advance and upload it regularly to keep the account active and customers informed.
Final thoughts
The trend of social media marketing is in trend these days. Convincing a real estate client through social media tool is not a simple task. However, we are sure that the above 8 tips must help you in expanding your real estate business and taking the lead.
Nouman provides ghostwriting and copywriting services. His educational background in the technical field and business studies helps him in tackling topics ranging from career and business productivity to web development and digital marketing.