Sticking with tired old marketing techniques won’t help you generate online leads. Agents know it’s critical to use the internet to position themselves as the local real estate authority to generate leads, win listings and retain customers.
Here are five actions to take today to get you internet marketing to pop:
Put Yourself on the “Google My Business” Map
Have you claimed and updated your free
Google My Business listing? It’s the sidebar that shows up on the browser search page when you Google a business or service. Without one, you’ll miss out on hundreds of potential customers who are seeking services just like yours.
Google My Business gives a first glance of various aspects of your business with buttons that click through to your website, generate online leads, give directions to your location, display photos and videos, and so much more. The most important part is that clients and customers can write and read reviews.
To set up your listing, you need a Gmail account. Once you set up your company-specific Gmail, fill out the requested information. If you’re an agent, you can set it up under the brokerage’s Google My Business. Include your physical address because Google mails you a postcard with a four-digit code to verify you’re a real business. Your listing will also show your location on Google Maps so if someone nearby is Googling your service, your business will show up.
Video Launched the Business Star
On social media,
video posts get 12 times more shares than photos or text alone, and 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it.
In order for you to generate online leads and make an impact, potential homebuyers and sellers must see, hear, and trust you. The practice of making
informational videos was a key factor in nearly doubling my gross commissions from 2015 to 2016. It was also the key to starting my coaching business.
The more videos you distribute, the more you’ll be remembered and perceived as the expert in your profession. Today, I can’t go anywhere without someone telling me how much they
love seeing my videos. They start talking to me about the market as if they know me!
Serve Don’t Sell
Engaging people, creating a relationship with them doesn’t happen by sending out postcards or a newsletter every month. To establish true connections and relationships, you need to go deeper.
When I showed up to a listing appointment, people acted like they’ve known me for years. Even if I had never met them, they treated me as a good, trustworthy friend just because I offer tons of information and service through social media and other marketing avenues.
You have valuable knowledge. Share with your clients and community. People want to work with you because they like and trust you even before they meet you face to face. You’ve given them a lot without asking for anything in return. You’re their go-to authority.
Retain Former Clients
Do you know that it costs you seven times more money to obtain a new client than it does to keep an existing one? In his book,
“Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days,” Joey Coleman writes that a 5% improvement in customer retention rates will yield a 25% to 100% increase in profits. He also says that when selling to a new prospect, you have a 5% to 20% chance of making the sale. But when you’re selling to an existing customer, that probability skyrockets to 60% to 70%.
This means that you treat every client equally, no matter what size loan amount or where they live. You keep in contact with them and show them you value them. It’s not about the money. It’s the customer experience that is important to me.
The number one way to stay in touch is by using social media and creating videos that provide value. When you do this consistently, you are staying top of mind. Your past clients can’t help but remember you when they continue to see you on social media. Even if they don’t have a need for your services, they’re reminded to refer you to those who may.
Instagram and Facebook Hacks
Instagram and Facebook are global, but also very local. Hashtags and searching by location are great ways to connect with your community.
Make sure that your hashtags include the name of your metro area. Then, expand your hashtags by including what industry you’re in. If you’re a real estate agent, write #DetroitRealEstateAgent. Then add general hashtags as well about what you do and that kind of thing, such as #BuyingaHouse or #ForeverHome.
Also, connect with local businesses and your community by searching for your town to see who’s posting and what they’re posting. Then, comment on their posts. The best way to gain a following on social media is to build a community and build
your local community by liking, sharing and commenting on posts from locals.
Krista Mashore has an exclusive coaching program that teaches professionals how to become the go-to authority in their communities. She has been featured in Yahoo Finance, The Wall Street Journal, Authority Magazine and has been a guest at numerous podcasts, including Conscious Millionaire.