5 Ways To Boost Sales With Real Estate Newsletters

July 1, 2020 by Tracey Velt
Real estate professionals use newsletters to connect with prior customers, business partners, and prospective clients. Staying in contact with the community and providing value to followers are important, when it comes to the housing market. Therefore, it’s imperative to make the first impression count.
Here are five tips that will make your real estate newsletter successful:
1. Create A Personal Connection With Your Audience
“Emails are a great way to send newsletters,” says Jennifer Carpenter, a lifestyle writer at Study demic and Academ advisor. “Since people tend to receive a lot of emails daily, they’ll most likely sign up for a newsletter via email. So, when you send a newsletter, make sure you tell recipients who you and why they should read your newsletter.”
Here’s what you need to include in your introduction to email recipients:
So, make it personal, and remind people of who you are!
2. Showcase Interesting Listings
People enjoy house-hunting, whether they’re in the market for a new home or not. The best way to show some interesting properties is to make them visually appealing. Here’s how to make your showcase photos as appealing as possible in your newsletter:
As you show off your listings, make your descriptions different than what’s written on the website; and make sure you know your area really well.
3. Make It To The Point
No one likes to read something that’s long-winded and boring. And with emails, people want content to be straight to the point.
Here are some pointers to make your newsletter short and sweet:
There’s no harm in adding a Post-Script (P.S.) at the end of your newsletter, because you’re saving the best for last.
4. Be Valuable To Your Prospective Audience
“In your newsletter, don’t just sell to your readers, but also give them something valuable to keep them interested,” says Lily Chan, a blogger at State of writing and Revieweal. “By engaging readers, you’ll increase your chances of selling to them later on.”
Some things to include in your newsletter that people might be interested in:
5. Don’t Forget A Call To Action
A Call to Action should be at the end of your newsletter. Consider these factors:
All they need to do is make one link on your newsletter. Having them make more than one click will make them uninterested, and click out of your newsletter.
So, if you’re a real estate professional, then it’s imperative for you to reach out to your audience with a newsletter, because that will be the draw to getting more people to view what you have to offer. In short, there’s a lot of investment waiting to be made, once you make that good impression with customers, partners, and clients. So, don’t be afraid to start crafting your newsletter today!
Molly Crockett writes and edits for
. She also writes for
. As both a marketing and technical writer, she shares her unique lifestyle tips and personal development advice with her audience.
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