REAL Trends Valuation/M&A Team Release Free Valuation Guide

December 19, 2018 by Tracey Velt
Download Your Free Valuation Booklet
Valuing a smaller or medium-sized firm is filled with nuances that differ from that of a larger firm. REAL Trends is re-introducing an updated ebook specifically aimed at those smaller firms to help them understand the issues surrounding valuation. Plus, it’s free!
“The value of all residential brokerage firms is negatively affected during any downturn in housing sales. That is the case today.”
-Steve Murray, president of REAL Trends
As the leader in the valuation and the sale or purchase of residential brokerage firms, REAL Trends is handling record numbers of such assignments and see the impact on valuations and the prices and terms of brokerage combinations.
Written by REAL Trends valuation and merger/acquisition team of President Steve Murray; Vice President Scott Wright; Chief Financial Officer Alicia Vivian, CPA; and Senior Business Finance Analyst Trish Glodava, this FREE booklet on valuing small- to medium-sized brokerage firms helps both those who may want to buy and or sell so that they have a firm understanding of the issues surrounding valuation. This information can be helpful to all those who own residential brokerage firms in these trying times.
A book produced to help both those who may want to buy and those who may want to sell have an understanding of the issues around valuations.  This information is helpful to all those who own residential brokerage firms.
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